Thursday, May 28, 2009

Week #2 Eureka Moment

My “Eureka Moment” this past week was trying to purchase a new car. I love to go shopping but purchasing a new car is not fun at all. There are many reasons why shopping for a car is not my idea of happy shopping. You would think that purchasing a new car would be exciting but the idea of what people have to go through is not fun. First, the sales people are all over you when you get out of the car. Second, the price wars that people need to go through after you have decided on a car. Third, the amount of time you are at the dealership turns into several hours.
I knew exactly what I wanted and needed. So in my case there were no sales pitches that I was going to listen to. The salesman went right to my husband and begun automatically talking about the vehicles. I was ignoring them and looking at each one of the cars that they had available as they kept chatting away.
Eventually we had decided on one of them and the pricing war begun. The pricing war is really ridiculous and unnecessary. We knew the prices of the cars and we also knew what we wanted to buy it for. We had already done our shopping around town and on the internet. So, we had a bottom line number that they needed to get to and they eventually matched it.
We had spent about five and half hours at the dealership. It was way past closing time and towards the end of the deal we felt like we were being rushed to sign. My “Eureka Moment” is when the salesman automatically assumed that the car was to be put in my husband’s name. Why didn’t he ask “Whose name will the car be in?” Why do they just assume the car will be in the husband’s name and not the wife’s name?


  1. Taran,

    It's very hard to watch your very closest friends change before your eyes. I also had a very close friend change. She started dating a married man. I don't believe in dating married men. It's wrong under any circumstances. Prior to her dating this man, she and I were on the same page "Married men are off limits". She knew he was married because she worked with him. So it's not like he lyed to her about being married, she knew and still persued him. I told her straight up that it is wrong and if they are meant to be together than he needs to leave his wife to figure out what he really wants. She needed to give him space to figure out things but she wouldn't stop dating him.
    As time goes by, people change. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. People change going through their own experiences. And in my friends case she changed for the bad!
    Just try to understand that they are not doing this to hurt anyone, they just want to be happy. And for them being happy is being in a relationship. To each their own but don't give up, Life is always changing! Nicole

  2. I agree with Maissa on this; that no matter how hard women try to discuss sports they are not being heard. I think this is just a typical situation when it comes to sports topics. Women try to have an intellegant conversation about sports but they are not really being heard or taken seriously from the men.
    And Robin, yes we try to teach the next generation about gender bias. Educating the next generations at an early age from their parents, teachers, mentors, etc.

  3. Kesha,

    I don't find anything wrong with living with a man or in your words "shacking up". If you are happy with your relationship then that's all that matters. When or if you are you both decide to marry then both of you make that choice together. But until then life is too short to think about how others view your "happy" unmarried life. The older generations I don't think understand how much the world has change since they were young. It's a different time we live in then compared to when they were your age. Back then, you went to school maybe graduated; then got married; and then raised a family. Now. it's whichever path we choose to follow. And this path might not be the one others want us to follow but it is our choice to choose not theirs.

  4. I feel that when it comes to certain things like dealing with salespeople, they are always going to shmooz the person who they think calls the shots. And culturally people associate that position with the men and its unfair. At the same time we get ripped off, I took my car into the shop for repair and was charged an insane amount of money for parts I did not even know were in my car. In frustration I took my car to another garage where the price was more reasonable and where i was told many of the repairs the other place wanted to do were unnecessary. What is interesting is that my boyfriend recomended the first place because of how honest and fair they were- he was shocked when he found out and never went back.
