Thursday, June 25, 2009

Week #6 Let's work together!

A strong woman who knows who she is and is comfortable with it could be defined as a feminist. Feminism is about embracing your womanliness and not trying to be a man. It isn’t about wanting to be the same as men. It’s about being a woman and recognizing the differences between the sexes but not letting those differences define you or be used against you. It’s about not being labeled and having to behave according to that particular label. And it is also not letting a gender be a barrier to what people can achieve. Women are extraordinary, intelligent, and skillful. Let’s support each other for equal benefits and stop the competition between the sexes. Let’s work together to change and accomplish gender equality.

Can society change equality? Is it possible for everyone to work together to bring about movements for everyone? I think it is possible if we all work together in our society. In our personal, social, and professional lives, we have the opportunity to bring about changes.

“After divorce, women are three times more likely to fall into poverty than men.”
“45% of women have experienced some form of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.” “Only 10% of high court judges are women.”
“Around the world, 40-70% of female murder victims are killed by their male partners.”
“Women earn on average 17% less than men.”


  1. Taryn,
    I don't find anything wrong with men showing their emotions. We all have feelings and sometimes it is good to express them rather than not showing any emotion. Whether it's a funeral or a sad movie, I think its ok for men to show that they have feelings too. Why is it that it's only ok for women to show their feelings? I certainly do not cry all the time but in particular circumstances, such as my best friend dying of cancer. I never cried in front of her but I certainly did when I wasn't around her. I wanted to be strong for her and support her and her emotional roller coasters. I think there are particular circumstances that show us women that men too have feelings.
    As for sports casters, I think men or women are equally capable of performing this task. However, sometimes you might not like the way a person is broadcasting it to you. Sometimes there is just something about them you just don't like. But men or women should both have the ability to pursue their broadcasting career. I think it’s great when a women broadcasts about sports and especially when they know the sport.

  2. Nik,
    Since I work and go to school, TV is last on my list to do. But aren't the TV sitcoms for the purpose of humor and/or laughter. There are trying to make everyday situations humorous. They try to gain the audiences to watch and become regular followers so that their show will continue. The sitcoms of today are very much different of the sitcoms of 30 years ago. Our society has changed and so has the TV sitcoms. For instance Happy Days and All in the Family dealt with different issues then we have today. The males roles in these sitcoms were very strong characters compared to the female roles. How about Home Improvements, it was a sitcom mainly about carpentry work but the husband and wife worked together to run their household and family. Sitcoms have changed as our society has changed. For example, the wives in the sitcoms of 30 years ago stayed home to care for the kids and the house. But today, the wife in the King of Queens works like most women today do. The households today usually both the husband and wife work and hopefully share the responsibility of the household duties. Today, the sitcoms are not with weak male roles but more seen as sharing and compromising with their wives.

  3. Tiffany,
    I think sometimes success and power goes to a person’s head. Their ego gets way out of control and sometimes something needs to happen to them to bring them back to reality. Treating your employees with disrespect is unnecessary. And especially treating complete strangers is also uncalled for when they are only doing a job that services all people not just one person. Employees need to be treated with respect in order to gain their loyalty. Many people leave companies because of situations like yours which leads to many employees not staying in their jobs for a long period of time. High turnover rates are not a good for a company’s long term success. Unhappy employees sometimes lead to unhappy customers, which is defiantly not a good business strategy. Successful and powerful women sometimes feel that they still need to continue to prove themselves to others. But being disrespectful to others is not the solution to a successful company or even a healthy and happy life. Rude and impolite qualities are not appreciated by anyone, whether you are their employee or not. Best of luck with your job and remember if you should ever become as successful as her try not to let your success and power guide you the wrong way.
