Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 5 Restaurant Business

Close friends of mine, a husband and wife, own their own business. They own a breakfast/lunch restaurant. The restaurant is very small and they only have about 6 tables with chairs that are available to their customers. They also advertise on their front window “free internet service”.
One of their customers was an older woman that would come in every day in the morning and not leave until closing. She would order a muffin and a cup of tea. Then she would sit at one the tables with her computer and not leave until closing. She would sometimes take a nap at the table but always had her computer plugged in and running.
After about 2 months, she decided only to order a cup of hot water. She told them that she did not like their tea selection and would bring in her own tea bag. How could they charge her for a cup of hot water, they couldn’t. So a week went by with her still ordering a “free” cup of water. She continued to stay all day long with her computer plugged in and on the internet. Now she is costing them money. She is getting free internet service, free electric, a free place to sit, free hot water, and free cups.
The following week, she started again ordering her free cup of hot water. The owners had enough of this and decided that they needed to address the issue before it went any further. The husband said he would handle it politely and try not to cause a scene in front of their other customers. He explained to the woman that they cannot keep giving her hot water for free. He told her she would need to start purchasing food or beverages in order to use their internet service and occupy their table. He proceeded to explain to her that it was costing them money. For example, the cups are not free because they have to buy them. She stormed out of their restaurant and said “Nice knowing Ya!”.
This woman apparently was very angry at them and decided to trash their restaurant on the internet and throughout their community. She told everyone that she was discriminated against. There is no discrimination in this story? How was she justifying discrimination? She used their restaurant for a free place to stay during the day, free electric, free internet service, and free cups for her tea. There is no just cause for discrimination. The owners were just trying to let her know that their place of business is not a place to hang out for free usage; rather it’s a place for paying customers to enjoy their food and beverages at a table that has internet service available if they prefer to utilize it during their stay. They live in a very small community, so everyone knows each other’s business. It has not affected their connection with their community. However several explanations to their regular customers needed to be addressed. Their community needed to know the truth of what really happened because if not it could shut down their business. Community support is crucial to success in a small town.


  1. Nicole,

    I owned my own business too and that situation is so tricky. I would have people come into my bookstore and go to the back of the store and beging reading to their kids in the Children's Section. I went in the back after this family came in for about the 10th time without buying anything, and their kid had peed on one of the floor pillows and they didn't even have the courtesy to tell me. I certainly know accidents happen and would never have said anything but I thought that was really rude.

    Obviously this is a "crazy customer" and most people that know this woman probably know she's crazy. For the few that didn't know, a very rational explanation is required. They did the right thing but I completely empathize with their situation.


  2. Robin,

    As teachers and educators of our children; this is very disturbing. Teachers should not be classifying their students based on their gender. All children should be required to read all different types of books and not just limited to their own gender. These teachers should know better because they are the ones that are educating the next generations.
    I think I would have politely interrupted and questioned their behavior. It might not be my place to but changes can’t happen unless bystanders speak up in a situation. Everybody needs to voice concern when it comes to situations like this because they should know better. And maybe they would not have changed what they were doing at the time but maybe next time they would think about it.
    Change in our society can happen if others “politely” question or show concern about why things are being done a particular way.


  3. Tiffany,

    Yes, being a fiancé and a girlfriend are two totally different situations. A fiancé is a big step in a relationship. And if he is not willing to make that kind of commitment then yes I agree he does not have the right to use this title that fluently. He could have just said his girlfriend. If you’re not engaged then fiancé is not something you use freely to use to call your girlfriend.
    Anyway this is about some friendly advice from the opposite sex, which should be no big deal. Women get advice from the opposite sex and it doesn’t mean we need to express to them that we are taken. A conversation with the opposite sex does not need to involve our personal status. Your boyfriend was trying to get a point across to the other guy but using fiancé. And it certainly was uncalled for in this situation. And it most definitely should not be used when the meaning behind it is particularly of importance to the other person.
    Girlfriend and boyfriend – committed relationship
    Fiancé and fiancé – engaged to be married to each other
    I agree with your concern, two totally different situations that should not be taken lightly when he announced that you were his fiancé when in reality you are not.


  4. Taryn,

    Pro-life is when a person believes that the government has an obligation to preserve all human life, regardless of intent, viability, or quality of life concerns.
    Pro-choice is when a person believes that the individual should have unlimited autonomy with respect to their own reproductive systems as long as they do not breach the autonomy of others.

    This topic is a difficult decision to make or answer. First, it depends on your views of pro-life or pro-choice. Second, this could be considered a men’s movement because it is denying them their rights to their unborn child. However, could the man force or demand her to have their child against her will? I don’t believe this would happen because it is ultimately her body and her choice. The woman’s rights should not be violated because you would be violating her autonomy. Everyone has rights. So forcing a woman to bear a child against her will; would just not happen in my opinion. Pro-choice allows unlimited autonomy with respect to their own reproduction system and this situation would violate their autonomy or free will of choice.


  5. Nicole,
    I work in a restaurant and a similar thing happened when one of our customers got charged extra because he wanted a special pasta in place of the one that came with his chicken dish. The owners found out that he went on the chamber of commerce website for our area and badmouthed the restaurant. My take on this is these people must look like idiots to whoever reads their rants. I know in my area you cannot walk into a restaurant and ask for a cup of water without being charged. After all, these business need to work on a profit or they would not be worth operating. In your case, this customer was using their internet service, so it was actually costing them money to have her there. In addition, she is taking up seating with should be used for paying customers. If I were in her shoes, I would be embarrassed to let this story out. I know in our case, the customer came back into the restaurant a week later to apologize.

  6. Nicole,

    Some how, it seems as though this woman had your friends restaurant mistaken for maybe a starbucks or barnes and nobles. I think the owners were right in addressing the situation although I may have spoke with her a little earlier, like the first time she decided to order only water and bring her own tea. I wouldn't necessarily classify the woman as "crazy" but I do think that many people are selfish and don't understand the requirements in running your own business. As long as her actions didn't hurt your friends business, I guess a lesson was learned by all involved. I'm sure your friends will nip invaders such as that woman in the buddy asap and hopefully that woman won't take advantage of the next small business owner.

  7. I have a saying when it comes to business and it goes like this, if you give a customer an inch they will take a yard. Every customer is out there trying to find the BEST and CHEAPEST way to get services or goods they need and have no concern how it affects the supplier. She was not discriminated againsts, but she was hurt because they called her out on her terrible behavior and decided to get back at them the only way she knew how and that was through their business.
